Central Australian Youth Link Up Service provides a tailor-made menstrual hygiene guide to help young women navigate their menstrual cycle One academic says more education is needed to reduce the taboo of menstruation in outback Australia
Wendy Anders, an Arrente woman from Central Australia, said talking about menstruation was a taboo topic.
“The more we can talk about it, and have that taboo softened or reduced or even removed, the more we can actually address it and and resolve the barriers that exist for many girls and women.
Brisbane Lion’s player Lauren Arnell said the usually taboo topic is anything but at the club, even with male coaches.
“It wasn’t till I started talking to other people that I really understood exactly how many others had been through exactly the same things, yet there was still such a taboo subject around it,” she said.
Anne-Marie Imrie: ‘ has been so hidden, so taboo, that when it does happen to people, they’re extremely shocked.
Imrie says removing the fatalism and taboo around stillbirth is important both for pregnant women, and for families who have suffered loss.
It has been so hidden, so taboo, that when it does happen to people, they’re extremely shocked.
Special access to Oz for Pacific workers became a taboo topic in Canberra.
When the Pacific Islands Forum was being created in the early 1970s, Australia feared that the new regional body would be used to attack our migration policies, and worked hard to impose the taboo.
Score this a major achievement of island leaders, working through the forum, to change Australian thinking and dismantle the taboo.
What’s so baffling, though, is that according to new research by Always Discreet, 64 per cent of us still consider the topic to be taboo.
You see, this is a problem, because any topic that’s effectively deemed “taboo” comes with a feeling of secrecy or prohibition, which means – if you’re lucky – the matter is only discussed in whispers.
OM: It’s out of sight – a taboo.
This series resonated with so many precisely because it focused on the doubt that forms in many people’s minds around difficult, taboo themes.
Worst of all it has become normalised, while shrouded in taboo.
To tackle a subject matter that is mostly taboo in communities because it’s too painful or shame for many is a great thing.”
‘It’s a weird situation and it’s never really felt normal, because it isn’t normal, it’s really taboo,’she said. ‘But if it’s mutual and everyone’s got respect and everything’s on the table, you feel much more comfortable. ‘
But EOS, which makes weapons systems that can be remotely operated from inside the protection of an armoured car, has broken the lethality taboo.
The text of this article was generated by the Breaking The Silence system that collected 20 news articles posted on the web from January 2019 to September 2020 and clustered for the taboo subjects related to Australia