The government has launched a public awareness campaign to make plastic bags taboo.
It has run television ads that pixelate plastic bags with other cultural taboos like nudity, smoking cigarettes, alcohol use and violent crime, as France 24 reported.
While Thailand seeks to make plastic use taboo, environmental activists see much larger action needed to solve the plastic crisis.
He had the courage, at a time when Algeria is changing and opening up, to tackle a taboo.
At a time when everyone is demanding greater transparency, it is astonishing to note that all memory work comes up against the same pitfalls, again and again, and that people continue to prefer taboo to serious exploration.
Born long after the end of the war, the French Head of State has no taboos when it comes to Algeria and does not submit to any doctrine.
Pliny’s infamous assertion resurfaced this week in a 107-page report on how to lift »menstrual taboos«, co-authored by two members of France’s National Assembly.
Informed by the work of feminist campaigners and advocacy groups, the report details 47 recommendations to ensure menstruation is better understood and is no longer »a cause of anguish and suffering« for women.»Periods have long been a taboo subject because they were seen as dirty and impure,« said Laëtitia Romeiro Dias, a lawmaker from the ruling LREM party who co-authored the report with her colleague Bénédicte Taurine, of the opposition La France insoumise, a left-wing party.»A refusal to talk openly about the subject has enabled all sorts of misconceptions to be passed on from one generation to another,« she added. »This ignorance has to stop.
In their report, Romeiro Dias and Taurine stressed that »deconstructing the taboo« of periods necessarily involves changing the way it is approached at school, both when and how.
The ministers’ announcement was hailed as a victory by charities.»We’re talking about basic necessities here, which are still luxury items for many women,« said Nadège Passereau of ADSF, a women’s health charity and advocacy group that distributes sanitary kits to women in need.»Such products are currently only available in homeless shelters, where women are often reluctant to ask for them,« Passereau added. »One mustn’t forget all of this was taboo for a long time.
In this respect, the government’s promise to experiment with free distributions marks an important first step, says Heuzé-Sarmini, though more needs to be done.»It was our first priority, now we want three more measures,« she explained. »We want vouchers or pre-paid cards for women in need, so that they can make their own, intimate choices. » We want private health insurance firms to reimburse sanitary products, following the example set by the LMDE, the leading provider for students. » And we want dispensers in all public and private spaces, from schools to office buildings, to make sanitary products as readily available as condoms. » Only then, she added, when dispensers are available and visible to all, in broad daylight, will menstruation finally cease to be a taboo subject. »
Olivier Nakache and Éric Toledano, the pair behind »Hors Normes«, made their name with »Intouchables«, a blockbuster comedy. » In their latest film they turn to the efforts of two social workers in Paris to offer shelter and purpose to severely autistic youngsters whom the social-welfare system fails. » When the central autistic character, Joseph , pulls the alarm in the metro, it serves as a wider metaphor. » »The important thing«, Mr Nakache has said, is »to break the taboo on certain subjects«. »
The very same communiqué also indicates that »both presidents agreed to keep in touch to follow up on the political initiatives resulting from the Major National Dialogue,« without ever mentioning the issue of political prisoners or negotiations with secessionists, two taboo subjects for Cameroon’s government. »
Other EU leaders still have to give their backing to the fund at a summit next month and Le Maire predicted difficult talks until then with Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden, where the issue of joint debt is a taboo. »
As protests against racial prejudice continue across the world, we look at how discrimination and xenophobia materialise in specific ways in France. » We begin with a look back at the history of this French taboo. » Next, we take a look at police violence and how some current and former officers have started speaking out. » Lastly, we speak to activist and Professor Maboula Soumahoro, who looks at why language and republican ideals add an extra level of complexity to the issue. »
PARIS – French President Emmanuel Macron appeared to be caught off guard on Monday by a proposal by a government spokeswoman, one of the most prominent black people in French politics, to lift a decades-old taboo against collecting statistics by race. »
So we looked into understanding consumers and we found out what is really holding women back, and it’s all the taboos linked to periods, menstruation and the vagina. »
Do you know where the origin of the word «taboo» comes from? It actually comes from the Polynesian word «tapua» – and that means menstruation. » So it shows how deeply linked our category is with taboos. » And because it’s deeply linked with taboos it’s very much rooted in values. » And that makes it very interesting because our job goes beyond just selling products – we can really impact girls’ and womens’ lives by helping to remove those taboos that hold them back. »
We had a very clear brief of what we wanted to get out of it. » And we had very clear boundaries. » And these boundaries were that we could not lose what our brand stands for today. » Our blue rhomboid was remembered by every second or third person even though it had been around for centuries. » And we’ve been associated as a brand that is pink. » So we knew we shouldn’t lose our blue rhomboids and we knew we couldn’t lose pink. » And we knew that in some parts of the world, we already were associated with being a bit taboo-breaking. » And those were the three elements that I said we must not ever touch, but everything else was open. »
Sophie Hennekam is a professor in human resource management at Audencia Business School in Nantes, France. » She studies invisible, stigmatised, precarious and taboo populations in the workplace, identity and identity transitions as well as work in creative industries. » Email:
The French court of auditors has gambled that writing a report that breaks a taboo and causes debate will be more likely to have real consequences. » The organisation analysed how aid which is decoupled from the common agricultural policy is distributed in France. »
This situation is well-known to the agricultural sector but is the subject of a taboo both at the level of the French government, as well as in Brussels. » The status quo manages the main agricultural organisations, where the farmers who come off the best through the CAP are well represented. »
«That wasn’t an intentional decision in filling out the slate,» according to Encuentro representative Samantha Burciaga. » However, it is a noteworthy feature of this year’s edition. » «Burciaga also described another trend among the selected projects: »It’s amazing how the filmmakers convey the pain of their people, and the concerns of their communities. » The recurring themes of this selection show us nomadic families, the search for the truth in a journey and the breaking of the taboos and comfort zones. » «To qualify for participation, fiction and documentary projects in development from Ibero-American territories must have a minimum of 20% of their budget already in place. »
Lévi-Strauss tested these ideas in his first major work The Elementary Structures of Kinship . » Beginning in the mid-nineteenth century, anthropologists had obsessively catalogued kinship systems observed all over the world, revealing the enormous variety of terms used to name relatives, rules governing marriage, and laws establishing descent. » With the help of structural analysis Lévi-Strauss could start to make sense of this mass of data. » Just as linguistic signs stood in relations of opposition and distinction to each other, the rules of the kinship system determine the relations that adhere between individuals. » The most fundamental rule, Lévi-Strauss discovered, was the incest taboo. » It classified the world into two groups: possible spouses and prohibited spouses. » The effect of this rule, he argued, was to force men to bring wives into the family and swap sisters out. » This elaborate exchange of women was the motive force of all social life, the reason men left home at all. » And all of us, men and women, whether we knew it or not, had the programs of our lives scripted to the rhythms of this logic. » Simone de Beauvoir wrote a favorable review of the work, which she said revealed how thoroughly the objectification of women was embedded in our thought and culture. »
PLIEUX, France — Europe’s taboos are falling away. »
Europe‘s taboos are falling away. »
Breaking the taboo
Jeune Afrique: In 2018, you published a study proposing several avenues for reforming the CFA franc zone. » It’s the first time that a top-level French personality who has played a leading political role in the past has broken the taboo surrounding the CFA franc. » What made you decide to take the plunge?
The text of this article was generated by the Breaking The Silence system that collected 22 news articles posted on the web from January 2019 to September 2020 and clustered for the taboo subjects related to France